
How To Keep Your Placenta

Mother with newborn and placenta water birth

The placenta – food source for foetus, life back up for unborn infant, connection between mother and infant, super organ extraordinaire. Aye. The placenta is all this and more.

You may non realise it, but after yous have delivered your placenta, you actually have a option what you exercise with it. Exercise you keep it and perhaps plant information technology in your garden or make a memorable artwork from it? Do you consume it? Or do yous only let the infirmary have care of its disposal? The pick yours.

Here are ten things you can do with your placenta after giving birth.

Institute it nether a tree

planting a tree on top of placenta

Allow the placenta grow with your newborn past planting it. Simply plant the placenta in the ground with a tree bulb and watch it grow. The nutrients from the placenta supposedly make a great fertiliser. Elizabeth Santos gives excellent instructions and recommends burying the placenta at to the lowest degree half a metre deep and so animals don't dig it up.

Go on it attached to your newborn

Lotus birth with placenta

Many new mums are now choosing NOT to cut the cord. Known as a lotus birth, the umbilical cord remains attached to bub until it naturally separates, normally three to ten days after nascency.

The process is meant to provide a more than transitional feel as baby goes from womb to world and is fast becoming ane of the more pop things to do with your placenta (image via Kindred Nascency Instagram).

Pamper your skin with it

Placenta cream in a jar, things to do with your placenta

Use your placenta equally an ingredient in your very own brand of homemade skin creams. Placenta powder can mix into many dissimilar types of creams and is suggested to help heal the skin, reduce scars and stretch marks and even heal sore or croaky nipples. (prototype via Ace Beautys)

Turn information technology into artwork

Placenta art with filter

The placenta is ofttimes known every bit the tree of life. Not only does information technology kind of resemble a tree, but it also provides life to your newborn. So information technology makes sense to use this theme later the nascency and design your own slice of artwork to cherish for years to come. (Image via Dorsum to Basics Birthing)

Placenta tree of life art on timber desk

Enter the Tree of Life Placenta Portraits and placenta art, some other trend that allows mums to honor this life-giving organ in a rather unique way. For sure, no-one else will ever have an image of your placenta hanging on their wall. (Image via Nomi Palony)

Clothing it

Placenta pendant bracelet

Placenta jewellery is another interesting way to keep your placenta and your pregnancy feel close to you. Companies like Beyond the Willow Tree brand placenta keepsakes you can wear. Their rings, bands, pendants and chaplet correspond the sacred bond between mother and child. (Image via Beyond the Willow Tree)

Encapsulate information technology

Dried umbilical cord with placenta capsules in heart shape

The placenta contains many nutrients (including fe and vitamin B6) and hormones that are beneficial to bub while in the womb. Many health professionals believe these nutrients remain in the placenta and consuming the placenta tin be good for your wellness.

The most common mode is through placenta encapsulation, a process in which the organ is steamed, cooked and basis into powder form. The powder placenta is and so placed in a sheathing which y'all tin eat with your morning time coffee. Be enlightened though that a United states of america health warning was issued recently confronting placenta encapsulation afterward a infant became ill. (Epitome via Womb'southward Heal)

Consume information technology

Placenta smoothies with berries

Some parents have been known to skip the encapsulation process and merely cook up the birthing organ and consume information technology like meat. You tin serve it like steak, put it in a placenta smoothie, make icy poles out of it or substitute information technology for your regular meat. Placenta taco, mayhap?

What does the placenta taste like? We are then glad yous asked. Although I've never tried a placenta dinner, those who accept reckon it tastes like a combination of liver and beef. (Image via Southward Florida Placenta)

Go far into a teddy bear

Teddy bear with skin made from dried placenta

Extra crafty mums who aren't keen on eating their placenta may want to turn it into a comfort critter. Designer Alex Light-green did just that, turning her stale placenta into a teddy bear.

To make your own Placenta Acquit, y'all will need to cut the placenta in half, rub it with sea salt, dry information technology and care for it with an emulsifying mixture of tannin and egg yolk to make information technology soft and pliable. Then information technology's time to stuff and run up. It's like a Build-a-Bear workshop. But with a placenta.

Let the hospital handle it

Mother holding newborn with placenta in water birth

Many new mums don't care a dot about the placenta after it'south on the outside. It's done its task. Bub is hither. Now be washed with information technology. If you fall into this category and are non too keen on bringing your placenta abode in an esky full of water ice, then let the hospital dispose of information technology for y'all (and salve the esky for celebratory drinks when you go home! (Image via Monet Nicole Photography)

Donate it

Placenta and umbilical cord close up

Some other option on our listing of things to do with your placenta is to donate the afterbirth products. Although the umbilical cord and the placenta are usually disposed of once baby arrives, cord claret is rich in stalk cells and tin be used to save lives and for medical research in the future. (Epitome via Ancient Paths Midwifery)

Not all hospitals offering the option to donate string claret, but it'due south worth checking to run across if your maternity hospital can. You can learn more well-nigh cord blood donation at the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Gift of Life or the Sydney Children'southward Hospitals Network.

Want to know what other mums did?

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We need to talk about what to do with your placenta

(Image via San Diego Nativity Photographer)


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